The VSNA is a non-profit, tax-exempt religious organization (US Tax Exempt ID# 51-0245255) in the USA.
The Veerashaiva Samaja of North America, affectionately called the VSNA is a non-profit religio-cultural institution totally dedicated to the preservation, protection and propagation of the Lingayat-Veerashaiva way of life depicted by Basavanna and his contemporaries. The VSNA’s mission is succinctly stated in its preamble to its constitution.
VSNA operates in the framework of its constitution which was framed in 1979 and amended as time passed. At its central level, the organization operates via two major branches – the Board of Directors (BoD) and the Board of Regents (BoR). VSNA also consists of 20 local chapters. Over 1000 families particiapate in year round programs via local chapters, conduct linga-puja, vachana recitals, spiritual disclosures, kayaka and dasoha (charity work). VSNA also organises an annual convention where around 500 members gather to celebrate and learn the phylosophy of Basava and other contemporary sharanas
To preserve, to protect and to propagate for the present and posterity and to instill, to imbibe and to impart the Lingayat (Veerashaiva) heritage, legacy and way of living and its universal values as exemplified in the pronouncements (Vachanas) of the Sharanas and to popularize, to practice the exalted principles of Dasoha and Kayaka through service to humanity at large.
VSNA – Chicago Chapter established in 1981 covers the states of Illinois and Wisconsin. Over these years, the organization has grown to a size of more than 100 active members. The programs are organized in community halls around Chicagoland area. The chapter hosts about 7 functions with youth and adults actively participating in Linga Puje and Anubhava Ghosti.